Thai National Parks

Species of Thailand

Ashy kukri snake

Oligodon cinereus

(Albert Charles Lewis Günther, 1864)

In Thai: งูปี่แก้วลายกระ, ngu pbi gaeow lai ga

Oligodon cinereus, the ashy kukri snake or Günther's kukri snake, is a species of snake in the family Colubridae.


Nasal divided; portion of rostral seen from above as long as its distance from tho frontal or a little shorter; suture between the internasals usually shorter than that between the prefrontals: frontal as long as its distance from the end of the snout, as long as the parietals; loreal usually longer than deep; preocular single, usually with a small subocular below, between the third and fourth labials; one or two postoculars; temporals 1+2; upper labials 8, fourth and fifth entering the eye, 3 or 4 lower labials in contact with the anterior chin-shields; posterior chin-shields one half or loss than one half the size of the anterior. Scales in 17 rows. Ventrals 160-180 (196); anal undivided; subcaudals 34–39. Pale brown, purplish or reddish above; markings on the head very indistinct; uniform above and below. Total length 30 inches; tail 3.


Oligodon cinereus occurs in northeast India (Assam; Arunachal Pradesh), Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia, and southern China (including Hong Kong and Hainan).

Colour morphs

This species has variable colouration, and O. cattienensis, the "Cat Tien kukri snake" was placed at species level, but is now considered a colour morph of O. cinereus.

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Scientific classification

Oligodon cinereus

Common names

  • German: Graue Kukrinatter
  • English:
    • Günther's kukri snake
    • Ashy kukri snake
  • Thai: งูปี่แก้วลายกระ, ngu pbi gaeow lai ga


  • Oligodon cattienensis, DO et al. (2023)
  • Oligodon cinereus pallidocinctus, DO et al. (2023)
  • Oligodon cinereus, WANG et al. (2022)
  • Oligodon cinereus pallidocinctus, Patrick David et al. (2022)
  • Oligodon cinereus tamdaoensis, Patrick David et al. (2022)
  • Oligodon plurimaculatus tamdaoensis, Patrick David et al. (2022)
  • Oligodon cinereus, Van Stanley Bartholomew Wallach et al. (2014)
  • Oligodon cinereus, Bryan L. Stuart et al. (2006)
  • Oligodon cinereus, Indraneil Das (1996)
  • Oligodon swinhonis tamdaoensis, Liu et Hu et al. (1973)

Conservation status

Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)

Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)


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Oligodon cinereus - Kaeng Krachan National Park
Oligodon cinereus - Kaeng Krachan National Park

Range Map

Distribution map of Ashy kukri snake, Oligodon cinereus in Thailand
  • Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai
  • Kaeng Krachan National Park
  • Khao Yai National Park
  • Lam Nam Kok National Park
  • Mae Ramat District, Tak
  • Mae Wong National Park
  • Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai
  • Mueang Phayao District, Phayao
  • Namtok Pha Charoen National Park
  • Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
Range map of Oligodon cinereus in Thailand