Thai National Parks

Species of Thailand

Blue-rumped parrot

Psittinus cyanurus, Johann Reinhold Forster, 1795

(In Thai: นกหกใหญ่)

The blue-rumped parrot (Psittinus cyanurus) is a parrot found in the very southern tip of Myanmar, peninsular Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and nearby islands. It is a small parrot (18 cm) and is primarily green with bright red underwing coverts, a reddish shoulder patch, and yellowish margins on the wing coverts. It is sexually dimorphic. The female has a grey-brown head. The male has a black mantle, red upper mandible, and blue head and rump.

It was the only member of the genus Psittinus although Birdlife International recognised the subspecies abbottii as a separate species the Simeulue parrot

There are two subspecies:

  • P. c. cyanurus: Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Sumatra.
  • P. c. pontius: Mentawi Islands southwards from Siberut. Larger than the nominate subspecies.

It is found in lowland forests, generally below 700 m, in forest, open woodland, orchards and plantations, mangroves, dense scrub, and coconut groves. It occurs in flocks up to 20 birds. They eat seeds, fruit and blossoms.

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Category / Seasonal Status

Wiki listed status (concerning Thai population): Rare, much reduced

BCST Category: Recorded in an apparently wild state within the last 50 years

BCST Seasonal status: Resident or presumed resident

Scientific classification

Psittinus cyanurus

Common names

  • Thai: นกหกใหญ่

Conservation status

Near Threatened (IUCN3.1)

Near Threatened (IUCN3.1)

Near Threatened (IUCN3.1)

Near Threatened (BirdLife)

Endangered (IUCN3.1)

Endangered (ONEP)


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Blue-rumped parrot

Range Map

Distribution map of Blue-rumped parrot, Psittinus cyanurus in Thailand
  • Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kaeng Krachan National Park
  • Khao Phra - Bang Khram Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Khao Sok National Park
  • Ko Tao
  • Kui Buri National Park
  • Nong Plak Phra Ya – Khao Raya Bangsa Non-Hunting
  • Thale Ban National Park
Range map of Psittinus cyanurus in Thailand